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Title; Price; Currency; Duration; Description; Summary; Button text; Button link; Title, Price and Description size; Title and Price text and background color


$ 8 per month
  • Project Management
  • Front and Back-End Coding
  • Tests and Optimization
  • Graphic Web Design

Save $10/year
$86 upon purchase



$ 16 per month
  • Project Management
  • Front and Back-End Coding
  • Tests and Optimization
  • Graphic Web Design
  • Usable User Interfaces
  • Advertisement & Print

Save $17/year
$175 upon purchase



$ 24 per month
  • Project Management
  • Front and Back-End Coding
  • Tests and Optimization
  • Graphic Web Design
  • Usable User Interfaces
  • Advertisement & Print
  • Online Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization

Save $28/year
$260 upon purchase


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[four_fifths_last] [one_third] [price text_align="left" title="Small" button_text="Purchase" button_link="#" price="8" duration="per month" currency="$" summary="Save $10/year $86 upon purchase"] Project Management Front and Back-End Coding Tests and Optimization Graphic Web Design [/price] [/one_third] [one_third] [price text_align="left" title="Standard" button_text="Purchase" button_link="#" price="16" duration="per month" currency="$" summary="Save $17/year $175 upon purchase"] Project Management Front and Back-End Coding Tests and Optimization Graphic Web Design Usable User Interfaces Advertisement & Print [/price] [/one_third] [one_third_last] [price text_align="left" title="Corporate" button_text="Purchase" button_link="#" price="24" duration="per month" currency="$" summary="Save $28/year $260 upon purchase"] Project Management Front and Back-End Coding Tests and Optimization Graphic Web Design Usable User Interfaces Advertisement & Print Online Marketing Search Engine Optimization [/price] [/one_third_last] [/four_fifths_last]



Title; Description, Image, Full image, Button text and link 

If your house is on fire, then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience.
Teamwork is the ability to work as a group toward a common vision, even if that vision becomes extremely blurry.

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[one_third] [services icon="" text_align="left" title="WEB DEVELOPMENT" title_size="16" description_size="12" button_link="#" no_button="false" fullimage="true"] If your house is on fire, then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience. <ul> <li><a href="#">Project Management</a></li> <li><a href="#">Front and Back-End Coding</a></li> <li><a href="#">Tests and Optimization</a></li> </ul> [/services] [/one_third] [one_third] [services icon="" text_align="left" title="WEB & GRAPHIC DESIGN" title_size="16" description_size="12" button_link="#" no_button="false" fullimage="true"] It is the product that pays the wages. <ul> <li><a href="#">Graphic Web Design</a></li> <li><a href="#">Usable User Interfaces</a></li> <li><a href="#">Advertisement & Prints</a></li> </ul> [/services] [/one_third] [one_third_last] [services icon="" text_align="left" title="SEO & MARKETING" title_size="16" description_size="12" button_link="#" no_button="false" fullimage="true"] Teamwork is the ability to work as a group toward a common vision, even if that vision becomes extremely blurry. <ul> <li><a href="#">Online Marketing</a></li> <li><a href="#">Search Engine Optimization</a></li> </ul> [/services] [/one_third_last]



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[slider width="300" height="190" caption_opacity="0.95" effect="fade" animspeed="1000" pausetime="1000" pauseonhover="true" style="gallery" ] [slide img=""] [/slide] [slide img=""] [/slide] [slide img=""] [/slide] [/slider]

List of our clients

It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting.
#slider-27e0b098b11950288d9a3fc56608ef8a-caption-0 #slider-27e0b098b11950288d9a3fc56608ef8a-caption-1 #slider-27e0b098b11950288d9a3fc56608ef8a-caption-2

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[slider width="0" height="125" caption_opacity="0.95" effect="slide" animspeed="1000" pausetime="5000" pauseonhover="true" style="showcase" annotation=" <h4>List of our clients</h4> <em>It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting.</em>"] [slide img=""] first slide[/slide] [slide img=""] second slide[/slide] [slide img=""] third slide[/slide] [/slider]

List of our clients

You have an important role in the project.

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[slider width="940" height="115" caption_opacity="0.95" effect="slide" animspeed="1000" pausetime="5000" pauseonhover="true" style="showcase" annotation=" <h4>List of our clients</h4> <em>You have an important role in the project.</em>"] [slide img=""] [one_fourth] [image title="" size="" align="" lightbox="false" group="" link="#" width="110" height="30" autoHeight="false" quality="75" frame="true" link_class="partner"][/image] [/one_fourth] [one_fourth] [image title="progressio client" size="" align="" lightbox="false" group="" link="#" width="89" height="69" autoHeight="false" quality="75" frame="true" link_class="partner"][/image] [/one_fourth] [one_fourth] [image title="progressio client" size="" align="" lightbox="false" group="" link="#" width="131" height="76" autoHeight="false" quality="75" frame="true" link_class="partner"][/image] [/one_fourth] [one_fourth_last] [image title="" size="" align="" lightbox="false" group="" link="#" width="113" height="47" autoHeight="false" quality="75" frame="true" link_class="partner"][/image] [/one_fourth_last] [/slide] [slide img=""] [one_fourth] [image title="progressio client" size="" align="" lightbox="false" group="" link="#" width="141" height="42" autoHeight="false" quality="75" frame="true" link_class="partner"][/image] [/one_fourth] [one_fourth] [image title="progressio client" size="" align="" lightbox="false" group="" link="#" width="92" height="57" autoHeight="false" quality="75" frame="true" link_class="partner"][/image] [/one_fourth] [one_fourth] [image title="progressio client" size="" align="" lightbox="false" group="" link="#" width="129" height="63" autoHeight="false" quality="75" frame="true" link_class="partner"][/image] [/one_fourth] [one_fourth_last] [image title="" size="" align="" lightbox="false" group="" link="#" width="94" height="58" autoHeight="false" quality="75" frame="true" link_class="partner"][/image] [/one_fourth_last] [/slide] [/slider]


Our team is ready to help you with your project.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.

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[slogan button_text="Quote" link="#" nopadding="true" carved="false" background="transparent" text_color=""] <a href="#">Our team</a> is ready to help you with your project. <em>Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.</em> <em>Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ~Margaret Meade</em> [/slogan]

Team Member

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[team_member name="Maya Spenser" position="Web Designer & Front-end Developer" phone="" email="" picture=""] [/team_member]

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[contactform email="office@vamtam"]Thank you. We will get back to you soon![/contactform]


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Contact Info



map12 Nikolay Haytov str.

userNikolay Yordanov

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<h2>Contact Info</h2> [contact_info color="gray" phone="+35929586895" cellphone="+35989876543" email="" address="12 Nikolay Haytov str." city="" state="" zip="" name="Nikolay Yordanov"]